Here are some website pages that provoke and encourage a thinking and conceptual outlook on life. Our lives are enriches by the study and love for beautiful thoughts in areas of our interests and passions. To slow down and ponder on a process, happening or new discovery is healing and enriching to our lives.

Here are some lifestyle sites and articles that are on the edge

G living - Lots of cool recipes, fashion and for me I especially enjoy the prefab modern houses that are featured regularly. - “deep into technology”, fun and serious tech news

Learning a Language From an Expert, on the Web - The Internet, with its unparalleled ability to connect people throughout the world, is changing the way that many people learn languages. There is no still way to avoid the hard slog through vocabulary lists and grammar rules, but the books, tapes and even CDs of yesteryear are being replaced by e-mail, video chats and social networks.